What is Lifelong Scientific Fitness?
Jun 05, 2023
Question by Sam: What is Lifelong Scientific Fitness?
Answer by Ashish Lal: So, let's break it down into 3 words: 1. Lifelong; 2. Scientific; 3. Fitness. ‘Fitness’ - here we’re talking about physical fitness. ‘Scientific’ - we’re talking about physical fitness that has to be attained through scientific methods. ‘Lifelong’ means we want to be physically fit for a lifetime using scientific methods. So, lifelong scientific fitness is something I strongly believe in. We need to only use scientific methods and not fad diets, fad training regimens, shortcuts etc. No. Only methods that are proven by science and are time tested also. So, to be physically fit, we need to use scientific methods, which can work for a lifetime of fitness. Lifelong Scientific Fitness is a 14-hour long full video course. With my team at RedAsh TV, I spent 3.5 years on researching, writing, shooting, editing and finally creating this exhaustive course. Lifelong Scientific Fitness is the encyclopedia of Nutrition Science, 130+ Gym Exercises, 55+ Freehand Exercises, 20+ Yoga Exercises. How to be your own nutritionist. How to make your own diet plan based on your requirements in a scientific way. How to make your own training regimen, based on your needs and many other details about physical fitness. Once you go through this 14-hour long course, it will cover almost everything you need to know to be fit scientifically and holistically your entire life.
Click here to get the FREE 1st Chapter on Fitness Fundamentals - https://www.redashtv.com/sf-opt